Normally, in many applications, there are basic support tables, containing only a sequential code and its respective description.

Ex: Color Table, Brand Table etc.

These tables usually have only 2 fields that will be fed: CODIGO and DESCRICAO (standard adopted by RadCORE).

If you created a "BASE DB" or "MEGA DEMO" application, after the first run of your application, the configuration file for creating basic forms will be added:


You can configure your pattern/nomenclature by accessing this file in the "files" folder of your application.

In order to reduce your work in creating and maintaining forms of this nature, RadCORE has a resource where you inform which DB tables are basic.

You won't need to create a form for each table, meaning you'll save work and resources.

All your tables will share the same form: frmCadBASICS and you don't have to worry about any changes or extra coding. See below how it was configured:

In order for all forms to share "frmCadBASICS", you will enter in the uConst.pas unit the name of each table within your database that will be treated as a "basic register form":

Once that's done, just set your options in the MENUS creation unit, the rest is up to RadCORE. See below:

In this example, 4 forms are no longer created separately and that share the same code dynamically ( frmCadBASICS ).

Just add in ARRAY_BASICS your tables that fit this profile and RadCORE does the rest for you by clicking on the option in the main menu. Study the code.


For RadCORE to find your forms dynamically, always register the class at the end of your form code as explained in "standards and conventions".



> This process is automatic when you REUSE a form, saving a pre-existing one with another name (SAVE AS), changing its name property and adding it to the project to make the necessary changes.

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