Clients / Customers
The "frmCadCLIENTES" brings a series of details to be studied.
- Use of masks (edCNPJCPF) - changing when changing the type of document (edTIPO);
- Search lookup with filter (EDLKPCIDADES);
- Lookup search in the same target table ( EDLKPCIDADES, EDLKPCIDADES__ENTREGA e EDLKPCIDADES__COBRANCA );
- Return of several fields in the lookup search - in the BUSINESS tab (EDLKPCLIENTES);
- The DETAIL form "VEHICLES" serves as an example of use MASTER-DETAIL
- The DETAIL form "REVISIONS" serves as an example of use MASTER-DETAIL and also to show the use of a register where the primary key is not a sequential field and is composed.
When there is a need to have a PK that is not SEQUENTIAL and breaks the basic rules of RadCORE you can instruct RadCORE. For this, the name of the linked table is informed in uConst.pas:
Studying the topic "Analyzing and applying resources" and studying all the content of the customer register, its events, etc. you’ll better understand how resources are applied and can practice: changing or adding components to see the change in results.
Study the HINT property of each rcBLOCK and/or components that have dynamic attributes and practice.
Study the "uMENU_BASICS.pas" to observe the configuration of this option in the dynamic menu.
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