The most common errors that occur when running RadCORE are:

- Older UNIGUI versions: 

As explained in "prerequisites", try to keep your version of UNIGUI as up to date as possible, I can't point out a minimum version, even so, older versions (lower than .1545 - especially .1530)) can cause problems and These problems (at least the ones that normally occur) are described in the source code.

- Application does not start

- If RadCORE has not been configured correctly, it may display error messages containing warnings about "JS(javascript)/ gsap etc";

- If your application is running on a remote server or on a client's computer that will be the application's SERVER, it is necessary to install the UNIGUI RUNTIME, you will find this file in your UNIGUI installation folder.

- It may also be necessary to release the port in the windows firewall, used in the application (Ex.: 8075)

- If using a model with a database, make sure the correct database manager is installed.

(Ex: Firebird 2.5.9 32bit, for testing RadCORE standard versions)


Avoid not loading images directly into the components, do this at runtime with "loadfromfile" or by pointing to the component's "URL" property.

-  DELPHI Permissions

I always work with my DELPHI as ADMIN to avoid any inconvenience with accessing folders, files etc.

If you're having a similar problem, try running your DELPHI with ADMIN permissions.

- css file, javascript...

In the topic: Creating a new application you must observe the default folder path (mandatory [ RadCORE Installation Folder ] ) to extract RadCORE. If you didn't extract the files in that folder, it's possible that you have problems running your application.

- Configuration file(s) are not being loaded correctly:

In the topic: Patterns and Conventions/Contants we explained that RadCORE uses some constants to configure the access to its configuration files( among other things ).

In ServerModule, in the event UniGUIServerModuleBeforeInit, you can debug the creation/opening of the configuration file.

important: UNIGUI by default uses the "files" folder, which is normally located where your application is running, i.e., if your application was compiled and saved in the "C:\myapp" folder, the configuration file will be created inside the "C:\myapp\files" folder.

In case of doubt, check in DELPHI: Project -> Options -> Building -> Delphi Compiler-> Out Put Directory

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