NEW VERSION: What should I do?

RADCORE is pure source code and the update process may seem difficult, but it is simple.

With each new version I always create new features, improve the code and/or make the necessary bug fixes.

In the topic "Registering your RadCORE License" you learned how to download the supporting applications, so just follow the standard procedure to download and update the RadCORE files.

Unfortunately there is no way to keep 2 different versions running simultaneously.

If you are getting RadCORE now or have not created any previous projects, you do not need to follow the following steps.

After you have downloaded and installed the new files, remove the BPLs ( RC ELEMENTs and RC WIZARD ) from the version you are using and install the new BPLs from the new version.

Created with the Personal Edition of HelpNDoc: Create iPhone web-based documentation