Print Options Menu Template (using FORTES REPORT).
> You can follow this model (if you wish) and apply another reporting engine.
All report examples that come with RadCORE inherit from "untFrmBaseMenuReport"
1. Title of the Form
Content dynamically populated by clicking on the Main Menu. Study the code.
2. Tabs
Every report menu will have 2 tabs by default. Filters(default tab) and Report(print preview).
3. Reporting Options
For each report menu created, you define which options will be displayed.
4. Options for Print Layout
Every report can be adjusted to be zebra or not and issue or not the Header (company data).
5. Process button
Edits and displays the report selected in section 3.
6. Exit button.
Close the screen.
7. Selection of Period for Reporting
Most reports need to filter a period. RadCORE comes by default with this panel which can be disabled at design time.
8. Miscellaneous Filters
In this area you will add possible new filters in the legacy report menus.
9. sqlMaster
This query will be used for filter fields, lookups that can be added.
Every reporting screen will access the temp_report table for this purpose.
The report itself, inherits from "untFrmBaseReportDefault" with the exception of printing RECEIPTS, which follows an alternative pattern for issuing single reports.
Remembering that everyone uses STRONG REPORT.
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