
If additional fields were provided for search/data capture, by applying "searchall" you will be able to search for the contents of all these fields.

You can see an example in the MEGA DEMO > frmCadCLIENTES > edLkpCIDADES.


Allows you to create a lookup that will not record the return in a database, but may capture that return.

You can see an example in the MEGA DEMO > frmDEMO_FORMS.


Allows you to leave the lookup edit field readonly, that is, you will only perform searches by clicking the search button next to it.

You can see an example in the MEGA DEMO > frmDEMO_LOOKUPMODAL > edLkpT040001 


Allows you to capture another field that is part of the composition of the primary key.

You can see an example in the MEGA DEMO > frmDEMO_LOOKUPMODAL > edLkpTB_TEST 

Various forms of use have been described. Study them all to establish understanding.

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