Let's see the example above in frmCadCOMPRAS:

We have 2 LookUps (Supplier and Product).

As you can see ONLY 2 uniDBEdits but when running you can see that additional search fields and buttons are shown.

Let's see the Supplier lookup:

You will only need to adjust 2 properties:


Placing the prefix 'edLkp' followed by the name of the table that will be searched. (Ex: edLkpFORNECEDORES )( English: SUPPLIERS )


Enter the name of the field that will be listed followed by a space ' ' and the name of the current CRUD field that will receive the PK from the informed table: [[nome CodiForn +]]

Note: You will see later the meaning of the jokers ("+" symbol)

Making a comparison with the properties of a conventional DBLookupCombobox, we are reporting a LISTSOURCE(FORNECEDORES), a LISTFIELD(NOME) and a DATAFIELD(CodiForn).

Dynamically, the DATASOURCE will be automatically populated and the query for the LISTSOURCE too.

The "+" symbol informs RadCORE that a "+" button must be added to dynamically call the supplier registration form.

All of this is created dynamically by RadCORE and the code you learned in the previous topic is now dynamically injected, also reducing your work completely for creating LookUps. 


The field indicated for search will be the field ordered in the grid, if you need to customize this, just add the "ORDER" parameter in the indicated function and be careful to put the "ALIAS tab." before the field name.

Created with the Personal Edition of HelpNDoc: Write EPub books for the iPad