All registration forms inherit from frmBaseCRUD (As explained in the link).

We will analyze the execution flow in the next topic.


For RadCORE to find your forms dynamically, always register the class at the end of your form code as explained in "Standards and Conventions".


> This process is automatic when you REUSE a form, saving a pre-existing one with another name (SAVE AS ), changing its name property and adding it to the project to make the necessary changes.

> As of version 5.0, an option was added to RC ELEMENTs to create new frames, forms and these will already be created with the class definition.

It is also worth remembering that, although frmBaseCRUD brings practically everything we need to speed up the creation of new registration forms, it does not mean that you are obliged to use it.

You can make a copy, adjust the layout, swap components, etc. This is your unique and exclusive work!

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