Anyone who uses uniGUI knows how difficult it is to get responsiveness. And the default layout options end up "leaving to be desired", unfortunately.

The entire layout model created in RadCORE is "tuned", for example, the activation of the MAIN MENU is related to the reorganization of the components on the screen (since the MENU is not "suspended", it is "part" of the main screen, enlarging and reducing its "width".

It takes time to study the entire layout process and understand it. All examples are useful for study ( frmDEMO_FORMS, FrmRCBlock etc ).

I tried not to resort to ExtJS so that there would be no future incompatibilities.

When starting a new screen (be it Login, a register etc ) some functions/procedures will be executed that will render our layout based on some definitions made in the theme control and the standard css file that is loaded at run time.

THEME CONTROL ( frmTHEMES ) allows you or your user to customize fonts, colors etc.

ServerModuleCustomCss.Css defines a number of tweaks to the default layout of uniGUI / Triton.Modified.

RadCORE's rendering feature is very flexible as it takes advantage of the NATIVE components of uniGUI and by making few adjustments you can even create new ones or improve them.

To prevent you from installing new components and swapping native components for new ones, I "thought out of the box".

The HINT property of almost all visual components is being used to receive PSEUDO-COMMANDS that are INTERPRETED by RadCORE to apply visual/operational resources.

I chose HINT because it exists in all visual components and is practically not used in WEB and MOBILE.

Hint: [[command:cls attribute:class-css ]]

Using square brackets tells RadCORE where the clause to be interpreted begins and ends.

command: will inform what should be rendered. There is still a lot to do, but we already have several options available.

In some cases, it will be possible to add ATTRIBUTES to the COMMAND, such as CSS( cls: ) classes and/or additional parameters.

In frmDEMO_FORMS there are several examples of pseudo-components with several variations in the hint property to be studied.

Thus, we have a pleasant and responsive layout (within the possibilities) and our application can run on any device only with the TRIAL, PERSONAL or PROFESSIONAL version of uniGUI, that is, with RadCORE's responsiveness feature you can have a single code for any devices and this way, you don't need to invest in the COMPLETE version of Unigui, which will save you investment.

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