It allows you to create a lookup without a datafield connection, that is, you can trigger a search but nothing will be recorded in the return, but you can retrieve one or more information to be used in other situations.

Check the contents of the edLkpUFS HINT of "frmCadFUNCIONARIOS":


DESCRICAO searchonly ! ||



This attribute was refactored in version 6. Before it was defined as: lkponlysearch

It will display the UFS search listing the DESCRIPTION field.

It will display the UFS lookup listing the DESCRIPTION field and returning the PK value of the UFS table in the TAG property of edLkpUFS, in this way, you can use both the PK value and the content of the TEXT property of edLkpUFS but you will not need to link to any FIELD/TABLE.

In frmDEMO_FORMS there is an additional example of usage without being inherited from frmBaseCRUD.

Note that it is necessary to activate the "rc_RenderLookUpControls" function.

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