Do not open received projects and try to compile/execute them.

All projects must be created by RC WIZARD ,because, by default, they are encrypted.

RadCORE Previous Versions

Version 6.0 of RadCORE is, without a doubt, the biggest update to date.

This was necessary due to several requests from various users on a wide range of topics, including:

- Update process for new versions;

- Higher level of translation (for foreign users);

Recently, several videos were uploaded about version 6.0, and in the first one I try to explain the new structure of RadCORE and what "discomfort" this can cause when updating previous versions ( as this will be a lot of work.

See more details about the update in the topic: "NEW VERSION: How to update?"

You must read the documentation calmly .. step by step. Take your time !

I understand that it's not something pleasant but if you don't understand how RadCORE works in the most basic details, you'll also have difficulties in the more complex ones and that can lead you to give up because you think everything is too complicated.

It's no use going out opening the files and getting your hands dirty. You'll be frustrated. You'll be full of doubts and you'll get annoyed with me asking you to read the documentation.

Migrate from VCL to WEB

Although very familiar, it requires a minimum of attention to new standards as you are now programming for the web.

Your application will now run inside a browser. And the browser doesn't act the same as the "PC" with a VCL application.

Access to your database is on the server side by default, so don't think of it as CLIENT/SERVER because it isn't.

Do not think that because the application is running in the browser, when performing an INSERT / POST it will be running on your client, no, it will run on the SERVER, process and be returned to be displayed in your client's browser.

RadCORE is UNIGUI. Unigui has its own VCL equivalent components and you will not be able to use VCL/FMX visual components in UNIGUI.

RadCORE offers a series of tools/shortcuts to speed up the insertion of components on the screen, already following the responsiveness pattern, in addition to offering resources that help convert VCL components to UNIGUI/RadCORE.

I need to know how UNIGUI works?

Despite this being a premise, I'm proud to say that some RadCORE users who NEVER had any contact with UNIGUI, managed to develop their applications using the "RadCORE base".

That's up to each one.

I cannot guarantee everyone's success. But again, I'm proud to know that we have several users all over the world with applications developed / migrated with RadCORE.

Understand the different versions of RadCORE;

Further down we have a topic describing the content of each version.

You may not need to use the database features that RadCORE offers...

You may not need to use the dynamic menu creation features that RadCORE offers...

So, understanding what each version offers will be extremely important for building an application.

Understand how RadCORE works according to the features you want to use (which will depend on the version you chose)

In the next topic you will have an explanation about what RadCORE is.

In the topic of "creating a new application" you can test the 5 versions of RadCORE.

Remembering that the "BRAZIL/GLOBAL" version are the same and they represent the "MEGA DEMO" where you will have examples of practically all RadCORE resources.

(Read carefully about the features and dependencies of each version)

After having an overview of the examples you can test the simplest projects (which don't have database features - this is also explained in the documentation).

What is the main feature of RadCORE ?

The first thing you must master is the layout system and the responsive blocks to understand and correctly apply the responsiveness features.

In the migration process this will be the most used feature and if you have experience with BOOTSTRAP you will see how I created something simpler and RAD to apply responsiveness.

In this context, I ask that you reserve at least 1 week (at least) to study everything about this and practice every detail, because without this, everything will be more complicated and you will have many doubts and will delay the development of your application.

In the topic "FIRST STEPS" you will see a more detailed tip on what you should start studying.

Do I need to use RadCORE's default LAYOUT?

The themes that come with UNIGUI do not follow a standard, they change font sizes and edits.

RadCORE's theme control is designed to standardize and allows you to configure other component details.

We can change colors, layout adjustments, etc.

Do I have to use FireDac ?

The versions that include RadCORE database features use FIREDAC, so if you want to use them, the answer is yes.

There is a version (BASE DB - as you will see in the next topic) that you can choose between FIREDAC and UNIDAC.

Many users choose more basic versions (BASE) and add their own database controls but benefit from the layout, responsiveness, etc. from RadCORE.

Final considerations

Try to create, change the will to understand very well how the dynamics of functioning are.

Then you can practice (if you need and want to use the RadCORE standard) creating DYNAMIC MENUS (using at least the BASE version).

In a video I posted months ago, I talk about some details of a migration of a project made with UNIGUI STANDARD to RADCORE:

Case Study: SysLIFE



I've already performed some migrations for users from Brazil and other countries because they don't have time to do the migration.

It's not always that I have time available, but I'm available.

I will always do the POSSIBLE for you to learn RadCORE through this documentation and do your migration yourself!!!

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