Project RadCORE

do more. better and fast !

I hope you identify with the project. Through it, I try to get more DELPHI developers to migrate their legacy / vcl systems to the web with great productivity and ease.

I) What is the RADCORE Project? Is it a component?

Radcore is not a "ready project", it will be the base of development for its applications.

You will see the details of each model in the next topic.

We have several cases of users with applications already in production that have never had previous contact with Unigui or HTML/CSS/JS but this is sure to apply to everyone as any and all tools.

The main objective is to enable the migration of legacy systems, to reuse knowledge from PASCAL / DELPHI VCL to WEB.

RadCORE is not "just another" component suite!

Everything in RadCORE is CODE to ENCOURAGE the developer to PROGRAM and KNOW how things happen.

I'm not against it, but I don't like COMPONENTIZING EVERYTHING. I use what is really necessary.

The only components installed are additives to the DELPHI IDE that extend the capabilities of creating new applications (RC WIZARD) and editing HINT (RC ELEMENTS), bringing colorization of commands, a HELP and a palette of pre-defined components to further increase your productivity.

II) Do I need to learn HTML / CSS / JS to use RadCORE?

  No and Yes..I'll explain:

  DO NOT. RadCORE tries to precisely ABSTRAIR this for you who want to migrate your system to the web without needing this prior knowledge.

  YES. If you want to go deeper and have even better results, you better learn. RadCORE already brings in its examples several objects to understand how it works.

III) What do I have in VCL that I can use in RadCORE uniGUI?

   NO and YES ... again ...

   NO: uniGUI has its own component versions and does not accept VISUAL components but accepts NON-VISUAL components.

   YES: You will be able to use ALL your knowledge of VCL, that is all used. Of course there will be reservations, but PRODUCTIVITY is very high.

IV) But uniGUI is not STATELESS ... It generates EXE / DLL .. And this ... And that !!!

   Do you want to develop a NEW FACEBOOK? So really. UniGUI / RadCORE is not the best technology.

   Do you want to continue in the market taking your applications to the WEB quickly and with a minimum learning curve? So go for it!

V) Is it Responsive?

I created something very close to the bootstrap grid system, but much easier to apply since it won't be necessary to use any html, css and js, just native UNIGUI components.

See the project! It's fantastic and super easy to apply responsiveness with RadCORE.

VI) But is uniGUI PAID?

    Yes. Just like IntraWeb is also ... TMS WEBCORE ... Now I'm not here to TALK who is the best. I AM TOTALLY AGAINST TRIBE formation ... Each one tests and analyzes their scenario and learning curve and mainly:

WHAT IS MORE PRODUCTIVE to migrate my system made in DELPHI ? (For example)

If I have to learn and master HTML, CSS and JavaScript and have to use templates to create applications, then why use DELPHI?

This is the point of UNIGUI + RadCORE, you will create applications WITHOUT KNOWLEDGE of html, css, js.

VII) Can I create a WEBSITE with RadCORE / uniGUI?

     YES. The RADTICKET Project (sold separately) follows with an example model SITE but remember, it is not the purpose of uniGUI. But as I always say: I TRY TO EXPLORE all the possibilities of the tool.

VIII) What resources does RadCORE uniGUI contemplate?

1. STANDARD environment pre-configured with all FMSOFT guidelines.

2. Unique and super nice layout

    2.1 Dynamic generation of THEMES

    2.2 Dynamic button layout generation

    2.3 Dynamic generation of standard FontAWESOME icons

3. Login

    3.1 Multi Company

    3.2 On Line Registration

    3.3 Password Reset

    3.4 Background images 'rotating' linked to the area of expertise

4. Main menu

    4.1 DashBoard that adjusts the resolution with native components and with application / interaction of HTML / JS and Ajax.

    4.2 Dynamic generation of MENU items with various levels

    4.3 CENTRALIZED call for all FORMs / FRAMEs of the project via the MENU

    4.4 Display of screens opened MODALS or in TABS but with standard BOOTSTRAP rendering at runtime, that is, the pagecontrol is not displayed (rc_BootStrapRENDER accompanies RadCORE)

5. Inheritance CRUD (MASTER). Huge code reduction and increased productivity for migrating your VCL system.

   5.1 Generation of full SELECTs with the help of wildcards (optional)

   5.2 Partial SELECT generation (pk's)

         5.2.1 RadCORE detects ALL the fields that make up the PK of the table and adds SELECT and UPDATE control, including INTEGER, VARCHAR, DATE etc.

5.2.2 Control in the registration SEQUENCE GENERATION (PK´s). RadCORE controls everything to reduce its coding and leave more free time for business rules. Your table can have numeric sequential Your table may have a numerical sequence but be a VARCHAR with leading zeros Your table may NOT be sequential and be an integer, varchar, date etc.

   5.3 Generation of dynamic SEARCH

5.3.1 In each inherited screen, you add the fields you want to search for, date filters.

   5.4 Export to EXCEL/CSV/HTML/XML on all CRUDs (in the latest versions of uniGUI this is native, but I kept the original version of RadCORE)

   5.5 Control of LICENSES( model ) and PERMISSIONS

5.5.1 Add only the secondary reviews, all the primaries are ready.

   5.6 Exclusion Control with option to execute PRE and POST exclusion routines

5.6.1 Add code BEFORE the record is deleted or after. According to the need of your table.

   5.7 Almost zero coding

5.7.1 Each CRUD created practically does not need to add any code

   5.8 Standard grid with multiple features

5.8.1 Do not use FIELDSEDITOR

5.8.2 Masks, alignment and other details generated dynamically

5.8.3 Colors linked to theme control

6. Inheritance CRUD (DETAIL).

    6.1 Generation of full SELECTs (optional)

    6.2 Partial SELECT generation (pk's)

    6.3 Almost zero coding

7. Dynamic LookUps

    7.1 Dynamic creation of queries, SELECTs

    7.2 Dynamic association of fields with the possibility of feeding more than 1 return field automatically, not only "KEYFIELD" and "LISTFIELD"

    7.3 Applying filters for LOOKUP selection

8. Inheritance FORM for reporting (optional)

    8.1 Standard dynamic date range reviews

    8.2 Adding filters

    8.3 Adding print options

    8.4 Report Layout Template

9. User permission control

10. Accompanies backup file for multiple databases:

    10.1 FIREBIRD 2.5 (default), 3.0, 4.0

    10.2 MySQL / MariaDB

    10.3 PostGRES

    10.4 SqlSERVER

11. Compatible with FIREDAC (standard) and RestDATAWARE( optional )

    11.1 Routines that can be called informing which engine you want to process

12. Several example screens 

   12.1 BASIC Registrations

12.1.1 More than 20 screens (which can be as many as your project needs) that use only 1 FORM. This means code reduction, final application size and less maintenance.   

   12.2 Registration of PERSONS / ENTITIES

12.2.1 CLIENTS



    12.3 STOCK / SERVICE Registration

12.3.1 GROUP Registration

12.3.2 Registration of BRANDS

12.3.3 PRODUCT Registration

   12.4 MOVEMENT records

12.4.1 Cash Movement

12.4.2 PURCHASE Registration

12.4.3 Registration and Issuance of RECEIPTS

Much more being developed. Super ACTIVE project.

Several users with projects under development or already being marketed as:

- Vaccination Clinic System


- Various ERP Migrations

- RadTICKET - Basic Attendance Control

- RadFOOD - Food Sales/Delivery Basic Control

Groups open for questions, acquisition etc.


EXCLUSIVE group for RADCORE uniGUI, VCL and FMX users.

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