Complete CRUD Detail template.

All examples of detail registration that accompany RadCORE inherit from "frmBaseCRUDDetail"

1. Title of the Form

Content dynamically filled by clicking on the form's popUpMenuOptions. teacher. Study the code.

2. Button Bar

All buttons for registration, modification, deletion etc. Study the click event for all of them.

3. Tabs

Every registration will have 2 tabs by default. Listing (default tab) and Registration (containing the fields).

4. timerClose

Support timer to make an animation when closing the screen.

5. mem_MASTER

FDMemoryTable that will store the information of the master record that triggered the inherited "frmBaseCRUDDetail". Study the code.

6. sqlMaster

Standard query used for REGISTRATION, EDITING and DELETION of data.

At each new inherited screen, change the SQL property to: "select * from yourtable" (without quotes) and ENABLE/DISABLE.

This is just so you can adjust the DATAFIELD properties of each field you add to the canvas.

7. sqlSearchMaster

Standard query used for SEARCH for records in Listing tab. The final query ( SELECT ) will be dynamically added during project execution.


When you want to create a master-detail record that is not linked to "frmBaseCRUDDetail", study untCadCOMPRAS.pas or do it your way.

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