Use the HINT property to tell RADCORE how it should be rendered:

Botão VERMELHO( to the left ): 


Botão VERMELHO(  to the right without rounding and with the font color in red ): 

cls:ButtonOutline ButtonOutlineRed btn-font-red

Botão VERMELHO( to the right, with round ): 

cls:ButtonOutline ButtonOutlineRed ButtonRounded

Adding Icons

Let's look at the attributes of "btnCancel":


ico:fa-times | 

cls:ButtonRed | 

align:btnsave t:0 l:-w-10 | 



We are informing RadCORE that we want to render the "fa-times" icon in conjunction with its "append" caption


We can apply a certain class when the application is in RTL mode (right to left)

Let's see the LOGIN -> btnLogin example


cls:ButtonThemeCrud |

ico:fas-reply 1x rtl:rc-mirror-h


When in RTL, a class will be applied that will "mirror" the arrow icon.

It is also possible to hide the caption if you use a button on a responsive block (rcBlock) and it reduces its size to 1 column, for example:

use the attribute:

caption-hide: mobile-h


Grouped buttons

Let's see the attributes of the buttons above:

btnSearchMoreFilters: cls:ButtonThemeCrud-no-border-right


btnSearchCRUD: cls:ButtonThemeCrud-no-border-left


If you have a long caption and want to break the line, just use the "<br>" html tag.

Ex: Save<br>Contacts

See more details and / or examples at untFrmBaseCRUD.

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