FontAweSome 5's usage pattern in "html" is:

<i class="fas fa-envolepe"></i>

fas fa-envolepe ( para SOLID )

far fa-envolepe ( para REGULAR )

fal fa-envolepe ( para LIGHT )

fat fa-envolepe ( para THIN )

fad fa-envolepe ( para DUOTONE )

FontAweSome 6's usage pattern in "html" is:

<i class="fa-solid fa-house"></i>

fa-solid fa-envolepe   ( para SOLID )

fa-regular fa-envolepe ( para REGULAR )

fa-light fa-envolepe   ( para LIGHT )

fa-thin fa-envolepe    ( para THIN )

fa-duotone fa-envolepe ( para DUOTONE )

In RadCORE, when applied to dynamic attributes (Ex: ico: ) you can write in abbreviated form:

fas-envolepe ( para SOLID )

far-envolepe ( para REGULAR )

fal-envolepe ( para LIGHT )

fat-envolepe ( para THIN )

fad-envolepe ( para DUOTONE )


     You can add fontawesome's zoom clause ( 2x, 3x etc ) right after the icon name.


RadCORE uses the same version of FontAwesome used by UNIGUI which may not reflect the same icons contained on the official FontAwesome website.

Through frmTHEMES you can choose between version 5 and 6.

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