Dynamic Labels
"label:" Attribute
This feature helps to insert a label linked to an editing component (edit, combobox etc) at execution time.
See the example in frmdemo_forms that accompanies the Brazil/global demo:
Study their respective hint properties (RC Elements) to see each setting.
On the hint property type:
Then key F3. Parameters will be listed on the screen as follows:
Label: Top Change Your Label Caption |
Label-Color:#7E7E7E |
Label-BG: #ffffff |
Let's describe the parameters:
Label:position alignment text
position: LABEL Position in relation to the editing component.
alignment: Lateral alignment of the label.
label:left align-Right
label:right align-Left
text: It will be the content of the label caption that will be created.
The attribute "label-color:" Defines the color of the label source.
The "label-bg:" attribute defines the color of the label's bottom.
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