Simple Lookup Search with dynamic registration option.

Ex.1 ) [[RAZSOC CodiForn + ]]

A LookUp will be created that will display the "RAZSOC" field in the "FORNECEDORES" table (edLkpFORNECEDORES).

Upon return, the supplier code will be recorded in the "CodiForn" field of the sqlMaster query.

Note: RadCORE will use the rc_AddFormFrameInTab function to automatically call the form linked to the name of the table involved in the search following the naming pattern contained in uConst.pas:

FRM_CLASS_PREFIX: Will be used when the "table" parameter is not informed

FRM_CLASS_CRUD_PREFIX: Will be used whenever the "table" parameter is informed

If the name of the form that must be called by using the wildcard "+" is different from the standard "PREFIX + TABLE NAME" you can add the following to the corigina "+":


Remembering that, RadCORE will use the default prefix concatenated to the content after the ":".

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