Simple Lookup Search with dynamic registration option.


A LookUp will be created that will display the "DESCRICAO" field of the "PLANOCONTAS" table (edLkpPLANOCONTAS__DESPREC) - a JOIN will be created between the tables

the "__DESPREC" Suffix is to differentiate searches because on the same screen there are several searches for the same table (PLANOCONTAS). A double '_' is used followed by a description at your discretion.

Upon return, the account code will be recorded in the "CodiContaDespRec" field of the sqlMaster query.

It will also be added dynamically (#) a field to search for "SEQNIVEL" in the "PLANOCONTAS" table and save in the "SEQCONTAPADRAO" field of the sqlMaster query.

       It is still possible to inform the WIDTH of the field( # ), just inform after the "#" and before the field name: ex: #60 <- ( max 99 )

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