Composite Lookup Search (join) with search option by extra field.


Ex.3 ) [[DESCRICAO(carros/codicarro) CODIVEICULO ! #PLACA ]]

A LookUp will be created that will display the "DESCRICAO" field of the "CARROS" table (table | field) - a JOIN will be created

On the return, the car code will be recorded in the "CodiVeiculo" field of the sqlMaster query.

It will also be added dynamically (#) a field to search for "PLACA" in the table "VEICULOS" (edLkpCLIENTES_VEICULOS) and save it in the PLACA field of the sqlMaster query.

(The PLATE field exists in the ORIGIN and DESTINATION table so you don't need the "=" in this case)

See below the tables involved in the "edLkpCLIENTES_VEICULOS" generation process:

It is also possible to pass your already assembled query as a parameter instead of letting RadCORE generate it dynamically:

The passed query has to follow some rules such as the use of the alias "tab." and the where for ":table_pk".

Created with the Personal Edition of HelpNDoc: Write eBooks for the Kindle