Practically, all of these modifications occur in the RadCORE "core", that is, in units that, in practice, should not be changed by you, as already mentioned in previous topics but adjustments and/or improvements may occur in generic files:





Each point of the code that is improved/corrected/added I put a comment indicating its respective version:

If you have already created a project with RadCORE and want to update this project, then follow the following steps.

There are code comparison tools (but be aware that some changes occur in DFMs too).

Despite being the most manual way, you simply do the following:

Open 2 instances of your DELPHI.

One with your current project (Ex: version and another with the version you just received (Ex:

In the instance with the new version, with DELPHI itself ( search > find in files... ) or using GEXPERTs / CnPACK you can search for all the project files indicating exactly the version you are receiving:


A list of all files that have changed will be displayed.

This way, just click on the arrow and the locations where there was some type of change will be listed:

Open the same unit in the DELPHI instance with your old version and click on each of the items in the new version and compare with your old version and simply copy the sections indicated with the reference of the version that was searched (in the case above, "6.0 .0.2" ).

Here is a video link showing what the process should be like:

This Example to adjust from version .153 to .154 but they are suitable for any version:!AovhnjIbioMAwA3DnZ_J7O0po8Cx?e=oXXmSN


- Don't let updates accumulate. Always update as soon as possible as this can make the process more complicated.

- Pay attention to the form of the changes, as some are only on a certain line, others are a block (an IF..THEN..for example), others are entire functions/procedures that have changed and some, the entire form/frame .

- In the case of the entire form/frame/unit, the version reference is indicated at the top of the unit referring to this form/frame/unit and there may be several points with the reference of the new version, but you will only need to overlap the entire unit (For example: "mkm_gridblock.pas"), which makes the process simpler and faster since it is the "core".

- Do not overlap main files:

   - ServerModule

   - MainModule

   - Login

   - MainForm

   Just update them according to what has been explained.

See the example below of a complete unit to be overlaid:

As mentioned at the beginning of this documentation, if you are going to make any changes to RadCORE, copy the unit / form to the equivalent folder in "core custom" to avoid future problems with updates.

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