Use the HINT property to tell RADCORE how it should be rendered:

bsCAROUSEL: Generates a Carrocel based on the BootStrap

The component used is a uniHTMLFRAME, but instead of adding ALL the HTML instructions, you only need to indicate the path of the images:






In the example above, I am using dynamic links ( ) to generate, but just point the local path of your images and when running, CAROUSEL will be rendered.

In the new versions of RadCORE, the attribute: "carousel:" was created to make the creation even easier:

The component used is a rcBLOCK.

In the example above, we just determined the folder where the images are and that's it.

> You can set the image list in the same way as "bsCarousel"





carousel:files/images/slides/1.jpg |

carousel:files/images/slides/2.jpg |

carousel:files/images/slides/3.jpg |


Note: There is a problem that I have not been able to solve yet, CAROUSEL does not start automatically, the first CLICK on the arrow is required. I tried to trigger via JavaScript..but it generated conflicts.

See more details and / or examples at untDEMO_EXTRAS.

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