Use the HINT property to tell RADCORE how it should be rendered:

bsSWT: Switch Toggle

Option1: [[bsSwt:0]]        

Option2: [[bsSwt:0]]

Option3: [[bsSwt:0 *]]


       Changing the value to 1, will be rendered MARKED.

The "*" attribute is for rendering the colored TOGGLE.

bsCHK: Check Box

Active: [[bsChk:0]]

Changing the value to 1, will be rendered MARKED

By adding the 'field:' attribute, the same pseudo-component can be used as dbware:

[[bsChk:0 field:fieldname ]]

It will be linked to the sqlMaster of the current form. Automatically adds the field name to the dynamic SELECT ([[fields]] clause).

RadCORE checks the type of field to save in the database:

Numeric:         Save 0 ou 1

Alpha:                 Save VALUE_CHECKED or VALUE_UNCHECKED. 

VALUE_CHECKED / VALUE_UNCHECKED are defined in "uConsts.pas" file.

I use these values by default by using a "domain" in the database to receive S or N.

The Status (checked / unchecked) is checked by the TAG property, which is equal to "0" or "1".

See more details and / or examples at untDEMO_FORMS.

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