bsPills (below) and bsTabs, in the MAIN MENU, are pseudo-components that are linked to a uniPAGECONTROL.

The component chosen to use rc_BootStrapRender was uniLabel. In Main.pas there is bsTabs_Main, its HINT property contains the necessary rule for rendering:

Hint: [[bsPills:light cls:btn-sm pgc:pgGeneral]]  or  [[bsTabs:light cls:btn-sm pgc:pgGeneral]]

The use of square brackets( [[   ]] ) tells RadCORE where the clause to be interpreted begins and ends.

bsPills:light indicates that it is to render the layout of PILLs (nested buttons). "light" is the default bootstrap theme

cls:btn-sm is the small class of the bootstrap

pgc:pgGeneral indicates the pagecontrol component that will be linked to bsPills

See more details and / or examples at frmDEMO_TABS.

In the example "bsPILLS" we can still configure the colors of each "tab" using the following attributes:





Where "aaaaaa" is the name of the css class you want to apply to the active tab. I study the content of the hint property of the "bsPills" example.

Also in the example above we will see the possibility to disable the "close all":


       When clicking on the rendered buttons(the new tabs), an AJAXEVENT is activated to interact with pgGeral. In Main.pas there is a standard hidden uniHtmlFrame for responding to various AJAX events. Debug the process as this will help you better understand and even extend the functionality.

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