+ Tell RadCORE to add an 'ADD button'
+modal Tell RadCORE to add an 'ADD button' and show the form in modal (even though it's a UniFrame )
@ Inform RadCORE to add search by the sequential code of the table referred to in the NAME of the LookUP field
! Inform RadCORE that a search will be made with rc_LookUpSearchLite
!! Informs RadCORE that the search will be carried out with rc_LookUpSearchLite_2 (new layout from version 6.0)
* Inform RadCORE not to enable the search button
# Inform RadCORE to enable the extra search button that allows you to search for an additional field
= Field name in the ORIGIN table (to be searched) linked to extra search (#)
Note: Use a "space" between each wildcard used..
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