Tell RadCORE to add an 'ADD button'

+modal  Tell RadCORE to add an 'ADD button' and show the form in modal (even though it's a UniFrame )

         Inform RadCORE to add search by the sequential code of the table referred to in the NAME of the LookUP field

         Inform RadCORE that a search will be made with rc_LookUpSearchLite

!!      Informs RadCORE that the search will be carried out with rc_LookUpSearchLite_2 (new layout from version 6.0)

         Inform RadCORE not to enable the search button

         Inform RadCORE to enable the extra search button that allows you to search for an additional field

=           Field name in the ORIGIN table (to be searched) linked to extra search (#)

Note: Use a "space" between each wildcard used..

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