Responsiveness is always a sensitive and controversial subject.

Even in 100% web applications, having full control of responsiveness is not an easy task.

The heavy use of CSS and libraries like BootStrap do a fantastic job.

With that in mind, a 12-column grid system that resembles the BootStrap structure was implemented at the code level.

The result was very good but it is far from being the complete solution. I hope I can improve the process even more.

The procedure responsible for adjusting the blocks is "rc_ResizeBlocks".


rc_ResizeBlocks( pFrame : TObject; pRunBSRender : boolean = true; pRunAlignment : boolean = true; pScrollTop : boolean = true )

pFrame: Identifies the "form" that will be configured. It can be a frame or a form.

pRunBsRender: Performs a rendering of components or not.( bsPill, bsH... )

pRunAlignment: Performs dynamic alignment of components or not.( scale:, align: ... )

pScrollTop: Whether or not to reposition the scroll bar.

In RADCORE examples (MAIN MENU click event) a call is made to "rc_ResizeBlocks" (among others) to correctly start rendering the components.

On the MainFORM of all RadCORE versions, we have the following event:

UniFormScreenResize: It is called when there is any change in screen dimensions.

Several global variables will be updated so RadCORE can correctly render the objects and also so you can create additional resources

mm.varI_ScreenWidth: Screen Width

mm.varI_ScreenHeight: Screen height

mm.varB_Mobile_Screen: MOBILE Screen

mm.varB_Mobile_Screen_Portrait: MOBILE VERTICAL Screen

mm.varB_Mobile_Screen_LandScape: MOBILE HORIZONTAL Screen

mm.varB_Screen_LandScape: HORIZONTAL Screen





Study the examples that come with RadCORE.

Created with the Personal Edition of HelpNDoc: Create cross-platform Qt Help files