Use the HINT property to tell RADCORE how it should be rendered:


[[hint:Default Hint Text ]]

[[hint:Default Hint Text c:default]]


[[hint:Hint with delay 10s and width 200px c:gray w:200 d:10000 ]]


[[hint:Hint with delay 10s and width 200px c:info w:200 d:10000 ]]

[[hint:Hint with delay 10s and width 200px c:info-light w:200 d:10000 ]]


[[hint:Hint with delay 10s and width 200px c:success w:200 d:10000 ]]

[[hint:Hint with delay 10s and width 200px c:success-light w:200 d:10000 ]]


[[hint:Hint with delay 10s and width 200px c:danger w:200 d:10000 ]]

[[hint:Hint with delay 10s and width 200px c:danger-light w:200 d:10000 ]]


[[hint:Hint with delay 10s and width 200px c:warning w:200 d:10000 ]]

[[hint:Hint with delay 10s and width 200px c:warning-light w:200 d:10000 ]]

The "c:" parameter indicates the class that will be used

The parameter "t:" indicates the title of the ToolTip( optional )

The "w:" and "d:" parameters are optional.

See more details and / or examples at untDEMO_TOOTIPS.

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