Use a propriedade HINT para informar ao RADCORE como deve ser renderizado:


[[hint:Default Hint Text ]]

[[hint:Default Hint Text c:default]]


[[hint:Hint with delay 10s and width 200px c:gray w:200 d:10000 ]]


[[hint:Hint with delay 10s and width 200px c:info w:200 d:10000 ]]

[[hint:Hint with delay 10s and width 200px c:info-light w:200 d:10000 ]]


[[hint:Hint with delay 10s and width 200px c:success w:200 d:10000 ]]

[[hint:Hint with delay 10s and width 200px c:success-light w:200 d:10000 ]]


[[hint:Hint with delay 10s and width 200px c:danger w:200 d:10000 ]]

[[hint:Hint with delay 10s and width 200px c:danger-light w:200 d:10000 ]]


[[hint:Hint with delay 10s and width 200px c:warning w:200 d:10000 ]]

[[hint:Hint with delay 10s and width 200px c:warning-light w:200 d:10000 ]]

O parâmetro "c:" indica a classe que será usada

O parâmetro "t:" indica o título do ToolTip( opcional )

Os parâmetros "w:" e "d:" são opcionais.

Veja mais detalhes e/ou exemplos em untDEMO_TOOTIPS.

Created with the Personal Edition of HelpNDoc: Write EPub books for the iPad